Mostly in this blog we like to compare water jet cutting to other technologies or let you know about latest developments.
However, sometimes it’s nice to do something a little bit lighter.
In this post, we continue our series looking at stranger things cut by water jet.
The videos below are all from the excellent Water Jet Channel on YouTube, do check them out.
Water jets are increasingly used in food preparation, the water jet providing a sterile cut, it is extremely accurate and no heat is created.
However this video is more frivolous, it is water jets cutting food and the results filmed in super slow mo. It’s actually quite therapeutic.
One of the questions asked about water jets most often is what depth of material can they cut through?
Our answer is to say that the jets can cut through a depth of at least 25 centimetres of most material, this 10 times the depth laser cutting can manage.
However, sometimes demonstrations are useful Here is how a water jet would deal with an extremely solid kettlebell.
The Stinger Missile is a piece of kit straight that wouldn’t look out of place in Tony Starc’s collection.
The launch motor is what helps propel the missile, it is a solid piece of kit. We’re not military experts though so we can’t tell you much more about what a launch motor for a stinger missile is.
However, we do know successful water jet cutting when we see it. Have a look to see how this one goes…
This falls into the category of questions you would never thin to ask, but once you’ve seen them they become strangely compelling…
A running chainsaw has huge power, a water jet can cut through virtually anything. What happens in this battle of the immovable force and unbreakable object?
At TMC Waterjets, we are not video producers. We also don’t tend to go in for cutting eggs for fun, we’d only have to clean up afterwards. (We do though enjoy the videos of those who are using water jets in this manner).
What we are is one of the UK’s leading water jet cutters. We have jets that cut with 87,000 PSI force and we also have XD cutting technology, this is three dimensional cutting for complex parts.
If you are in need of water jet cutters who are experienced, can offer a quick turnaround and who have worked on projects ranging from huge industries to art installations, please get in touch today.
Call us on 01625 610 441 or use our Contact Form.