01625 610 441

Precision Really Is Cheaper Than Imprecision

Precision really is cheaper than imprecision.

This fantastic quote comes from a podcast we listened to recently, a podcast that chatted through some of the benefits of water jet cutting. We don’t think this podcast has made the top 10 for most popular podcasts quite yet.

The passage continued…

“Precision really is cheaper than imprecision. So people that think that precision is expensive and difficult and so on, ignore completely the fact that imprecision is far harder to deal with than precision.”
This fits perfectly with water jet cutting.

Water jet cutting is not expensive when compared to other technologies, but it is remarkably accurate. It can create any part in almost any material, without any damage to the cut edge.

However, people often wrongly assume this adds to the cost – they assume there is a pay off, the most accurate tech must also cost more, so do they prioritise accuracy or cost?

If this was a straight choice, accuracy would usually be preferable. As the quote implies, going for the cheaper, less accurate option may be a pyrrhic victory, the part may end up unfair for purpose, or need repair or replacement after time. Any savings are quickly dwarfed by additional, extra expense.

But, with water jet cutting it is a compromise that does not even need to be considered, the tech is accurate and creates perfection simply because of how it works, it is not an optional extra you pay more for.

The podcast also talked about the benefits of water jet cutting for the modular construction industry – it was the Inside Modular Podcast after all.

In it, the founder and chief technology officer at MATALOQ, Julian Bowron, spoke of how water jet cutting was streamlining the process of designing new products and turning ideas into reality.

Indeed, starting to use water jet cutting was a game changer, he recalls, saying “We were able to design something, then issue it straight to waterjet cutting and equipment lasers.

The quality, speed and precision of delivery were massively improved due to these working methods, and we’ve honestly never looked back from that point.”

Enabling Ambition

He also speaks of how water jet cutting allows ambitious ideas to get made. This is a topic we have spoken about before, for instance how we have worked with artists and galleries to help ambitious plans become reality. One example is the wonderful Ghost Tree installation at Manchester’s Whitworth Gallery – but for water jet cutting this would have remained a ghost tree on paper, not a metal exhibit standing proudly outside the entrance.

Of the ability to turn ideas into end products, Julian adds “Projects seldom get cancelled; I’m proud of that fact. We evaluate the prototype, rework the original computer model and the design, and then we may build a production version that’s fully rationalised. That can be either the end of the process where it’s all turned over to the client, or we go on to manufacture that product on behalf of the client.”

In this fascinating chat, he finishes by talking through some of the numbers specific to his experience, and the approaches he used to make a viable business. You won’t be surprised to learn that water jet cutting was again key here.

More details of the podcast and also further quotes from it are available on the PBCToday site.


Work with the UK’s leading Water Jet Cutters

At TMC, we are a water jet cutter that serves the whole of the UK and increasingly Europe too, with clients across the content trusting us to work on their projects.

Despite our success, we remain a company that focuses on every client and work on projects of all sizes. If you think water jet cutting might be of use for your project, please do get in touch for an obligation-free chat.

Call us on 01625 610 441 or use our Contact Form.