Water Jet Cutting is thought of as a near perfect technology.
It can cut more accurately than other technologies, it can cut to greater depths (10 times that of laser), can cut complex 3D shapes and is friendly to the environment.
But just how perfect is it? Officially*, there are only 7 things more perfect than water jet cutting technology and here they are.
(*not officially official, obviously)
1) The Shawshank Redemption
The film that doesn’t miss a beat, a film so perfect it sits as the highest rated film on IMDB.
Is there a single scene you’d change in the Shawshank Redemption, of course not (though in hindsight the whole escape might have been a lot easier had there been a water jet cutter to hand)
2) The Mona Lisa
Look upon me and weep at my perfection; this seems like the sort of thing someone might have said about Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece even if it isn’t something anyone actually said.
Water Jet cutters are increasingly used by artists and have made some great sculptures though, with the greatest respect to everyone who has used our technology, it’s debatable whether they have produced anything quite to the level of old Lisa.
3) A pint of cold beer on a warm afternoon.
Need we say more?
4) Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
A bit of an obvious choice, but what an album. It mixes complex sounds with perfect accuracy.
Making the complex seem incredibly simple; that sounds a bit like a certain type of cutting technology!
5) That first step on to a sandy beach on day one of your holiday
You’ve been working hard, you need a break – and that moment when you take your flip flops off and put your feet into the warm sand, that’s the moment.
6) Waking up thinking it’s Monday, realising it’s actually Sunday
We love our jobs, we really do – but realising it’s still the weekend, that’s a pretty great feeling!
7) Your favourite view
It might be gazing at a lake from the top of a mountain; it might be a perfect view out to sea, it might be your home city at night viewed from the window of a plane coming in to land.
Everyone has their own, but everyone has a view which, to them, is perfection.
And what about water jet cutting?
At TMC Water Jet, we might not be able to offer a perfect view – though the view from our office windows is decent (bar the windows pointing out to the car park). We could probably find a room and put the Shawshank Redemption on for you if you really want.
But, what we can offer is perfection in water jet cutting. If you have a part that needs cutting – however simple or complex, please do get in touch. Oh, and let us know what perfection is for you!