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(We Shouldn’t Be Saying This But…) You Can Make a Homemade Water Jet Cutter

At TMC Water Jet, we live and breathe water jet cutting and, let’s face it, the technology keeps us all in jobs.

It’s therefore advantageous that we’re pretty good at it. We have led the way in the UK by utilising the latest technology, we have clients ranging from small businesses all the way up to huge multinationals.

When people need a part cutting, they come to us confident that we will deliver.

It would therefore be madness for us to point out that you can make your own water jet cutting machine, cutting out the need for the likes of us.

Except that’s what we’re going to do.

You can make your own water jet cutter, you can see how to do it by watching the video below.


Can and should only automatically go together in the mind of a psychopath.

It is, technically, possible to make a water jet cutting machine in your garage and all for just a few hundred pounds. It might not cost and arm and a leg, though it might cost you a finger or two if you lack care when going to actually use it.

It will also be relatively slow to cut, won’t cut through any great depth and the cut part might not have the smoothest of edges.

The machine also won’t run off software, making repeat cuts possible and it certainly won’t cut complex three-dimensional parts.

It is, though, very impressive. As fellow water jet enthusiasts we applaud the ingenuity. And, if a few people build water jet cutters in their garage, all power to them (just make sure you have the requisite skills and proceed with caution).

If you want to know more about water jet cutting or want to discuss your bespoke needs then please get in touch.

In the meantime, enjoy the video. A homemade water jet cutter for a few hundred pounds.