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Overcoming Workforce Challenges – A Focus on Water Jet Cutting

The number of water jet cutting machines is growing, water is not in short supply in most places and there is no lack of abrasive garnet.

What, then, is the one absence that could hold back water jet cutting’s further expansion?

The answer is people. Good old-fashioned skilled human operators and this is one task that cannot be outsourced to Alexa or ChatGPT.

There are many unskilled water jet cutters, this not meant as an insult, merely a reflection of a lack of high-level training.

The need for skilled operators may surprise some. In a world of increased automation, can software not control everything and the machine run itself?

The issue that parts being cut are complex and often of critical importance. There is a need for highly skilled operators to oversee the software and manage the cuts, to be able to respond as any need may arise.

As water jet cutting becomes more ingrained as part of a singular manufacturing process, this need for expert knowledge and experience will only grow.

We love this quote from an expert at Shape Process Automation: “Having a skilled operator with years of experience is a luxury. It is far more common to have an unskilled operator with minimum experience in a manufacturing environment at the controls of your waterjet system,” says Shape Process Automation’s Fabian.

“This requires increased focus on making systems that can easily be operated in a safe manner for someone with minimal experience. With the challenges we have today finding enough skilled workers, it is essential that the systems are operated by programming software and control systems that act as the process expert.”

At TMC WaterJet we train staff up and have wonderfully skilled employees who are true experts in water jet cutting.

This makes us a rarity, and so highlights one of the main challenges water jet cutting faces.

Despite such usability enhancements, human operators are still required to attend to waterjets during operation — posing a challenge for the industry.

“Having a skilled operator with years of experience is a luxury. It is far more common to have an unskilled operator with minimum experience in a manufacturing environment at the controls of your waterjet system,” says Shape Process Automation’s Fabian.

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